The Difference between `.scalars().all()` and `list(…scalars())` in SQLAlchemy: Unraveling the Mystery
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The Difference between `.scalars().all()` and `list(…scalars())` in SQLAlchemy: Unraveling the Mystery

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Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering what’s the difference between `.scalars().all()` and `list(…scalars())` in SQLAlchemy? Do you find yourself stuck in a rut, unable to decide which one to use in your Python application? Fear not, dear reader, for this comprehensive guide is here to enlighten you on the nuances of these two seemingly similar methods.

The Basics: Understanding SQLAlchemy’s Query API

Before we dive into the differences, let’s take a step back and revisit the basics of SQLAlchemy’s Query API. SQLAlchemy is a popular Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool for Python that provides a high-level interface for interacting with databases.

In SQLAlchemy, a query is an instance of the `Query` class, which represents a database query. The `Query` object is created using the `session.query()` method, where `session` is an instance of the `Session` class.

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///example.db')
Base = declarative_base()

class User(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'users'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String)

Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()

query = session.query(User)

.scalars() and .all(): The Origins

In SQLAlchemy 1.4, the `.scalars()` method was introduced as a replacement for the `.all()` method. Both methods are used to execute a query and retrieve the results, but they differ in their return types and behavior.

.scalars(): The Scalar-Returning Query

The `.scalars()` method returns a `ScalarResult` object, which is an iterable of scalar values. A scalar value is a single value, as opposed to a row or an object. When you call `.scalars()` on a query, SQLAlchemy executes the query and returns an iterator over the scalar values.

query = session.query(
scalar_result = query.scalars()
for value in scalar_result:
    print(value)  # prints individual id values

.all(): The Legacy Method

The `.all()` method returns a list of result objects, which can be instances of a mapped class or tuples, depending on the query. When you call `.all()` on a query, SQLAlchemy executes the query and returns a list of all the rows.

query = session.query(User)
result_list = query.all()
for user in result_list:
    print(  # prints individual user names

The Difference between `.scalars().all()` and `list(…scalars())`

Now that we’ve covered the basics of `.scalars()` and `.all()`, it’s time to explore the differences between `.scalars().all()` and `list(…scalars())`.


Calling `.scalars().all()` on a query is equivalent to calling `.scalard()` followed by `.all()` on the resulting `ScalarResult` object. This method returns a list of scalar values, which can be useful when you need to process individual values.

query = session.query(
scalar_list = query.scalars().all()
print(scalar_list)  # prints a list of individual id values

Note that `.scalars().all()` is only available in SQLAlchemy 1.4 and later versions. In earlier versions, you would use `list(…scalars())` instead.


Calling `list(…scalars())` on a query is equivalent to calling `.scalars()` followed by the `list()` constructor on the resulting `ScalarResult` object. This method also returns a list of scalar values.

query = session.query(
scalar_list = list(query.scalars())
print(scalar_list)  # prints a list of individual id values

The main difference between `.scalars().all()` and `list(…scalars())` is that the former is a SQLAlchemy-specific method, while the latter is a Python construct. In terms of functionality, they are equivalent, but `.scalars().all()` is generally considered more readable and idiomatic in SQLAlchemy.

When to Use Each Method

So, when should you use `.scalars().all()` and when should you use `list(…scalars())`?

Use .scalars().all() When:

  • You need to retrieve a list of scalar values.
  • You’re working with SQLAlchemy 1.4 or later.
  • You prefer a more idiomatic and readable syntax.

Use list(…scalars()) When:

  • You need to retrieve a list of scalar values.
  • You’re working with an earlier version of SQLAlchemy (pre-1.4).
  • You need to use a Python construct that’s compatible with other libraries.

Best Practices and Performance Considerations

When working with large datasets, it’s essential to consider performance implications. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Avoid using `.scalars().all()` or `list(…scalars())` on queries that return a large number of rows, as this can lead to memory issues.
  • Use pagination or limiting to reduce the number of rows returned.
  • Use `.scalars()` with a lazy load strategy to avoid loading entire result sets into memory.


In conclusion, `.scalars().all()` and `list(…scalars())` are two methods in SQLAlchemy that serve similar purposes, but with slightly different syntax and implications. By understanding the differences between these two methods, you can write more efficient and effective code that takes advantage of SQLAlchemy’s features.

Remember, when in doubt, consult the official SQLAlchemy documentation and experiment with different approaches to find the best solution for your specific use case.

Method Description Return Type Compatibility
.scalars() Returns an iterable of scalar values ScalarResult SQLAlchemy 1.4+
.all() Returns a list of result objects list SQLAlchemy 1.1+
.scalars().all() Returns a list of scalar values list SQLAlchemy 1.4+
list(…scalars()) Returns a list of scalar values list Python 3.5+

Now, go forth and conquer the world of SQLAlchemy with confidence!

Frequently Asked Question

Confused about the differences between .scalars().all() and list(…scalars()) in SQLAlchemy? You’re not alone! Here are some frequently asked questions to help clarify the distinction.

What is the primary difference between .scalars().all() and list(…scalars()) in SQLAlchemy?

The main difference lies in how they handle the results. .scalars().all() returns a list of scalar values, whereas list(…scalars()) returns a list of tuples, where each tuple contains a single scalar value. Yes, you read that right – .scalars().all() is more concise and efficient!

When would I use .scalars().all() over list(…scalars()) in SQLAlchemy?

Use .scalars().all() when you need a flat list of scalar values, such as IDs or names. It’s perfect for situations where you want to process individual values without worrying about tuple unwrapping. On the other hand, list(…scalars()) is more suitable when you need to preserve the original row structure or perform further processing on the tuples.

Are there any performance implications when choosing between .scalars().all() and list(…scalars())?

Yes, there are performance implications! .scalars().all() tends to be more efficient since it doesn’t require creating intermediate tuples. However, the performance difference is usually negligible unless you’re dealing with massive datasets. In general, choose the method that best fits your use case, and optimize later if needed.

Can I use .scalars().all() with complex queries in SQLAlchemy?

Absolutely! .scalars().all() can be used with complex queries, including those with joins, subqueries, and more. As long as your query returns a scalar value per row, .scalars().all() will work its magic. Just be mindful of the resulting list structure, as it might not always match your expectations.

What if I need to access additional columns or attributes in SQLAlchemy?

If you need to access additional columns or attributes, consider using .all() or .fetchall() instead. These methods return a list of objects or tuples, which provide access to all columns or attributes in the result set. .scalars().all() and list(…scalars()) are primarily designed for scalar values, so use them wisely!