Unlock the Power of Git: Quick Access to ‘Invited’ or ‘Watched’ Repository
Image by Domonique - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of Git: Quick Access to ‘Invited’ or ‘Watched’ Repository

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Are you tired of manually searching for repositories you’re invited to or watching on GitHub? Do you want to streamline your workflow and focus on what matters most – coding? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the hidden gems of Git that will give you quick access to ‘invited’ or ‘watched’ repositories, saving you time and increasing your productivity.

Understanding GitHub Notifications

Before we dive into the solution, it’s essential to understand how GitHub notifications work. When someone invites you to a repository or you watch a repo, GitHub sends you a notification. However, these notifications can get buried under a pile of other updates, making it challenging to find the repositories that matter.

The traditional approach to finding ‘invited’ or ‘watched’ repositories is to manually search for them on GitHub. You can try searching for the repository name or the username of the person who invited you. However, this method has its drawbacks:

  • Time-consuming: Searching for repositories can take up a significant amount of time, especially if you’re part of multiple projects.
  • Inaccurate results: You might end up with irrelevant search results, leading to frustration and wasted time.
  • Limited visibility: Manual search only shows you repositories that you’ve explicitly searched for, missing out on other important updates.

The Solution: Git Commands to the Rescue

Fortunately, Git provides a set of powerful commands that allow you to access ‘invited’ or ‘watched’ repositories quickly and efficiently. Let’s explore these commands and how to use them:

Git Remote

The `git remote` command allows you to manage remote repositories. By default, `git remote` lists all remote repositories associated with your local repository. However, we can use it to fetch the list of repositories you’ve been invited to or watching.

git remote -v

This command will display a list of remote repositories, including the ones you’ve been invited to or watching. However, it can be tedious to scroll through the list to find the repository you’re looking for.

Git Config

The `git config` command allows you to access and modify Git configuration files. We can use it to list all repositories you’ve been invited to or watching.

git config --get-all github.invitations
git config --get-all github.watched

These commands will display a list of repository URLs that you’ve been invited to or watching, respectively.

Git Hub

The `git hub` command is a part of the GitHub CLI toolset. It provides a set of commands to interact with GitHub from the command line. We can use it to list all repositories you’ve been invited to or watching.

gh repo list --invitations
gh repo list --watched

These commands will display a list of repositories that you’ve been invited to or watching, respectively.

Streamlining Your Workflow

Now that we’ve explored the Git commands to access ‘invited’ or ‘watched’ repositories, let’s discuss how to integrate them into your workflow:

Create a Shortcut

Create a shortcut on your system to quickly access the `git remote`, `git config`, or `git hub` commands. For example, you can create a bash alias:

alias ga="git remote -v | grep invited"
alias gw="git hub repo list --watched"

With this alias, you can quickly access your invited or watched repositories using `ga` or `gw` commands, respectively.

Automate with Scripts

You can automate the process of listing ‘invited’ or ‘watched’ repositories using scripts. For example, you can create a script that runs the `git remote` command and saves the output to a file:


git remote -v > invited_repos.txt

This script will save the list of remote repositories to a file named `invited_repos.txt`. You can then use this file to track your invited repositories.

Integrate with GitHub CLI

If you’re using the GitHub CLI toolset, you can integrate the `git hub` command with your workflow. For example, you can create a script that lists all watched repositories and opens them in your default web browser:


gh repo list --watched --json | jq -r '.[] | .html_url' | xargs open

This script will list all watched repositories, extract the HTML URL, and open them in your default web browser.


In this article, we’ve explored the hidden gems of Git that allow you to access ‘invited’ or ‘watched’ repositories quickly and efficiently. By using Git commands, creating shortcuts, automating with scripts, and integrating with GitHub CLI, you can streamline your workflow and focus on what matters most – coding.

Remember, the key to unlocking the power of Git lies in understanding its commands and integrating them into your workflow. Experiment with the commands and scripts provided in this article to find the perfect solution for your needs.

Command Description
git remote -v Lists all remote repositories associated with your local repository.
git config –get-all github.invitations Lists all repository URLs that you’ve been invited to.
git config –get-all github.watched Lists all repository URLs that you’re watching.
gh repo list –invitations Lists all repositories that you’ve been invited to.
gh repo list –watched Lists all repositories that you’re watching.

By following the instructions and examples provided in this article, you’ll be able to unlock the power of Git and access ‘invited’ or ‘watched’ repositories quickly and efficiently. Happy coding!

Here are 5 questions and answers about “Quick access to ‘invited’ or ‘watched’ repository”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get quick answers to your burning questions about accessing ‘invited’ or ‘watched’ repositories!

What is the purpose of the “Invited” and “Watched” repositories?

The “Invited” and “Watched” repositories provide a convenient way to track and access repositories you’re interested in, making it easier to stay updated on projects and collaborate with others.

How do I access my “Invited” and “Watched” repositories?

You can access your “Invited” and “Watched” repositories by clicking on your profile picture in the top right corner, then selecting “Repositories” and clicking on the respective tabs.

What is the difference between an “Invited” and “Watched” repository?

An “Invited” repository is one that you’ve been invited to collaborate on, while a “Watched” repository is one that you’re interested in and want to stay updated on, but may not be actively contributing to.

Can I customize my “Invited” and “Watched” repository lists?

Yes, you can customize your “Invited” and “Watched” repository lists by using filters, stars, and other organization tools to keep your lists tidy and easy to navigate.

Are my “Invited” and “Watched” repository lists private?

Yes, your “Invited” and “Watched” repository lists are private and only visible to you, unless you choose to share them with others.

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