C++/FIX8 to C#Quickfix/n Migration: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Domonique - hkhazo.biz.id

C++/FIX8 to C#Quickfix/n Migration: A Comprehensive Guide

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Welcome to this in-depth guide on migrating from C++/FIX8 to C#Quickfix/n, where we’ll take you through the process of transitioning from a legacy system to a modern, more efficient, and scalable solution. This article is designed to provide clear and direct instructions, explanations, and code examples to help you navigate this complex migration process.

What is FIX8 and Quickfix/n?

FIX8 is a C++ implementation of the Financial Information eXchange (FIX) protocol, a standardized communication protocol used in the financial industry for electronic exchanges. Quickfix/n, on the other hand, is a .NET implementation of the FIX protocol, providing a more modern, flexible, and scalable solution.

Why Migrate to C#Quickfix/n?

  • Improved Performance**: C#Quickfix/n provides better performance and scalability compared to C++/FIX8, making it an ideal choice for high-volume trading applications.
  • Easier Maintenance**: C#Quickfix/n is built on top of the .NET Framework, which provides a more modern, object-oriented, and maintainable codebase.
  • Better Integration**: C#Quickfix/n can be easily integrated with other .NET applications and components, making it an excellent choice for modern trading platforms.

Pre-Migration Checklist

Before we dive into the migration process, it’s essential to ensure that you have the following:

  • A thorough understanding of the FIX protocol and its implementation in C++/FIX8.
  • Familiarity with C# and the .NET Framework.
  • A working C++/FIX8 implementation that you want to migrate.
  • A development environment set up with Visual Studio and the Quickfix/n library.

Migrating the FIX Dictionary

The first step in the migration process is to convert the FIX dictionary from the C++/FIX8 implementation to the C#Quickfix/n format.

Understanding the FIX Dictionary

The FIX dictionary is a collection of XML files that define the FIX protocol fields, messages, and components. In C++/FIX8, the dictionary is typically stored in a series of XML files, while in C#Quickfix/n, it’s stored in a single XML file.

Converting the FIX Dictionary

To convert the FIX dictionary, you’ll need to:

  1. Extract the XML files from the C++/FIX8 implementation.
  2. Use a tool like XmlToDict to convert the XML files to a single XML file compatible with C#Quickfix/n.
  3. Update the XML file to include any custom fields or modifications specific to your implementation.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Field name="SeqNum" type="INT">
            <Description>Sequence Number</Description>
        <Field name="SenderCompID" type="STRING">
            <Description>Sender Company ID</Description>
        <Message name="Logon" msgcat="admin">
            <Description>Logon Message</Description>

Migrating the FIX Engine

The next step is to migrate the FIX engine from C++/FIX8 to C#Quickfix/n. This involves creating a new C# project and implementing the FIX engine using the Quickfix/n library.

Creating a New C# Project

In Visual Studio, create a new C# project and add the Quickfix/n library to the project references.

Implementing the FIX Engine

Create a new C# class that inherits from the Quickfix.FixEngine class:

using Quickfix;

public class MyFixEngine : FixEngine
    public MyFixEngine(SessionSettings settings) 
        : base(settings) { }

    protected override void OnCreate(SessionID sessionID)
        // Initialize the FIX session

    protected override void OnLogon(SessionID sessionID)
        // Handle the logon event

    protected override void OnLogout(SessionID sessionID)
        // Handle the logout event

Migrating the FIX Application

The final step is to migrate the FIX application from C++/FIX8 to C#Quickfix/n. This involves updating the application logic to use the new FIX engine and dictionary.

Updating the Application Logic

Update the application logic to use the new FIX engine and dictionary:

using Quickfix;
using MyFixApplication;

public class MyFixApplication
    private MyFixEngine _fixEngine;

    public MyFixApplication()
        // Initialize the FIX engine
        _fixEngine = new MyFixEngine(sessionSettings);

        // Start the FIX engine

    public void SendLogon()
        // Create a new logon message
        Message logonMessage = new Message();

        // Set the message fields
        logonMessage.SetField(new StringField(115, "MySenderCompID"));
        logonMessage.SetField(new IntField(34, 1));

        // Send the logon message

Benchmarking and Testing

Once you’ve completed the migration, it’s essential to benchmark and test the new C#Quickfix/n implementation to ensure it meets the performance and functionality requirements of your trading platform.


Use benchmarking tools like BenchmarkDotNet to test the performance of the new implementation:

using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;

public class FixEngineBenchmark
    public void SendLogonMessage()
        // Create a new logon message
        Message logonMessage = new Message();

        // Set the message fields
        logonMessage.SetField(new StringField(115, "MySenderCompID"));
        logonMessage.SetField(new IntField(34, 1));

        // Send the logon message


Write comprehensive unit tests to ensure the new implementation meets the functionality requirements:

using Xunit;

public class FixEngineTests
    public void TestLogonMessage()
        // Create a new logon message
        Message logonMessage = new Message();

        // Set the message fields
        logonMessage.SetField(new StringField(115, "MySenderCompID"));
        logonMessage.SetField(new IntField(34, 1));

        // Send the logon message

        // Verify the message was sent successfully


Migrating from C++/FIX8 to C#Quickfix/n requires careful planning, execution, and testing. By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be able to transition your trading platform to a modern, efficient, and scalable solution that meets the demands of the financial industry.

Remember to carefully benchmark and test your new implementation to ensure it meets the performance and functionality requirements of your trading platform.


For further information and resources on C++/FIX8 and C#Quickfix/n, please refer to:

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Frequently Asked Questions

Migrating from C++/FIX8 to C#Quickfix/n can be a daunting task, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you navigate the process.

What are the benefits of migrating from C++/FIX8 to C#Quickfix/n?

Migrating to C#Quickfix/n brings several benefits, including improved performance, better memory management, and enhanced security features. Additionally, C#Quickfix/n is a more modern and maintainable technology stack, allowing for faster development and reduced maintenance costs.

How do I handle complex FIX messages in C#Quickfix/n?

C#Quickfix/n provides a robust and flexible way to handle complex FIX messages through its support for custom messages, fields, and encryption. You can also leverage the power of C# to create complex business logic and data processing routines to handle unique requirements.

Can I reuse my existing FIX dictionaries and message specifications in C#Quickfix/n?

Yes, you can reuse your existing FIX dictionaries and message specifications in C#Quickfix/n. The framework provides support for importing and parsing FIX dictionaries, allowing you to leverage your existing knowledge and investments in FIX messaging.

How do I troubleshoot and debug issues in C#Quickfix/n?

C#Quickfix/n provides extensive logging and debugging capabilities, allowing you to easily identify and troubleshoot issues. You can also leverage Visual Studio’s powerful debugging tools and the .NET Framework’s built-in diagnostics capabilities to debug and optimize your application.

What kind of training and resources are available for C#Quickfix/n?

There are extensive resources available for C#Quickfix/n, including online documentation, tutorials, and community forums. Additionally, you can take advantage of training and consulting services offered by Quickfix/n experts to help you get started and overcome any challenges you may encounter.